No. The UBE is more than the sum of its components. It is uniformly administered, graded, and scored by the jurisdictions that adopt it. The fact that a jurisdiction administered the MEE, MPT, and MBE does not qualify the score as a UBE score.
Articles in this section
- Can I take the UBE in a jurisdiction in which I am not seeking admission to the bar but where it is most convenient for me to take the exam?
- If I transfer my UBE score to another UBE jurisdiction, do I have to complete the character and fitness process again?
- How can I find out if a particular jurisdiction is considering adopting the UBE?
- How can I find out whether a UBE jurisdiction requires completion of a jurisdiction-specific component (a separate test, course, or some combination of the two) prior to admission?
- Which jurisdictions currently accept UBE scores?
- If the jurisdiction in which I took the bar examination administered the MEE, MPT, and MBE prior to adopting the UBE, does my exam score subsequently qualify as a UBE score?