You must take the examination in a UBE jurisdiction to earn a portable UBE score. If the jurisdiction in which you tested had not adopted the UBE at the time you took the exam, you did not earn a UBE score, even if that jurisdiction administered the MEE, MPT, and MBE. You might be able to transfer your MBE score to a UBE jurisdiction and sit for only the MEE and MPT (and local component, if the jurisdiction requires) to seek admission in that jurisdiction, but you will not earn a portable UBE score if you do so.
Articles in this section
- Can I take the MEE and MPT in a UBE jurisdiction and the MBE concurrently in a non-UBE jurisdiction?
- If I take the bar examination in a non-UBE jurisdiction, can I transfer my MBE score to a UBE jurisdiction?
- If I take the UBE, can I transfer my MBE score to a non-UBE jurisdiction?
- Once a jurisdiction adopts the UBE, will it accept transferred UBE scores earned prior to its adoption of the UBE?
- If I took the bar examination in a jurisdiction that administers the MEE, MPT, and MBE, can I transfer my exam score to a UBE jurisdiction?
- How can I find out the requirements for admission by transferred UBE score?
- How can I request UBE score services if I did not have an NCBE Account when I sat for the exam?
- If I took the UBE but didn't pass in the testing jurisdiction, can I transfer my score to another UBE jurisdiction?
- How do I request score services from NCBE?